Welcome to Rheinmetall Defence Australia’s Industry Network portal. This portal serves to improve the visibility of the work packages within our programs giving Australian and New Zealand businesses better access and more opportunity to be engaged in our supply chain.

The portal will be used by RDA business to publish requests for expressions of interest for upcoming work packages and to maintain an understanding of supplier capabilities and key account information. For RDA this means building on strength, the strength of the existing Australian Industrial Capability, and the strength of our programs to date.

Supplier Portal

Register as a supplier

Register using your existing ICN profile or complete a new registration.

Current opportunities

Find out what opportunities are available with Rheinmetall.

Building a sovereign capability for Australia

Rheinmetall’s Military Vehicle Centre of Excellence (MILVEHCOE)

Partnering with the Queensland Government, Rheinmetall has established a facility that will be as much a manufacturing contributor to Rheinmetall’s domestic and global programs as it is a focal point for Australia military vehicle technology development.

The real value of the MILVEHCOE as a sovereign capability are elements across the 11ha precinct at Redbank, 25km south west of Brisbane:

  • vehicle EMC chamber covering the full military and commercial RF spectrum;
  • vehicle mobility obstacles;
  • medium calibre firing tunnel for weapon integration and system safety certification;
  • simulation and training development environments;
  • onsite metallic and composite armour manufacturing;
  • cannon assembly;
  • electro-optic assembly and qualification; and
  • system integration laboratory.

Each comes together to create a sovereign research and development precinct.

Support for Supplier

Rheinmetall’s business proactively supports local, Veterans and Indigenous Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to grow and diversify

Capability Improvement Program

Enhancing Supplier capability: RDA works closely with the Commonwealth and State/Territory Governments and supports defence grants to augment capability of SMEs across Australia.

Build on Strength Program

Rheinmetall’s AIC commitment: RDA partners with peak Industry bodies to continue to Build on Strength. The Strength of Australian Industry and the Strength of our programs of record.


Veteran & Indigenous Program

Rheinmetall proudly supports the Veterans and Indigenous programs by partnering with organisations who makes a difference to the Veterans and Indigenous SME community.

Partnering with Legacy